Cycle 44

Civics 101

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This page is for the “Civics 101” class for Cycle 44. We will meet four times from 9:30am to 11am.

Session #1 – May 8, 2019
– Introductions – each intern will say where they are from, where they live now, what civic experience they have had (volunteering, campaigning, etc) and what their low wage experience has been (where worked, what was hourly wage).
– Each intern will get a copy of YES! Magazine #65 (“How Cooperatives Are Driving the New Economy“). For the final class each intern will give a presentation based on an article or topic from this issue – instructions below.
– Overview of civic engagement through small group work. We will be referring to the framework found here.
– We address the question of why do civics/public work at all?

Session #2 – May 14, 2019
– Reflections on our shared low wage experience.
– Overview of what I call the “life cycle of the activist effort,” the organic stages of work as someone seeks to make change for the common good.
– Reflection on the mind set and skill set for the civic change agent

Session #3 – May 21, 2019
– Visit by Douglas Hunter, organizer for the Fight For 15 movement. Information on Mr. Hunter can be found on our “Class Resources” page. James will introduce Mr. Hunter to the class.
– Discussion of leadership attributes of Mr. Hunter, introduction to the concept of Servant-Leadership.

Listen to Mr. Hunter’s talk – PARDON THE NOISE ON THIS TRACK 🙁

Session #4, #5 – June 12, 2019/June 13, 2019
– To take advantage of free subscription offer, enter your mailing address via this form->
– Presentations by interns. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation based on a topic, article or person found in YES! Magazine #65. Each presentation must contain the following elements:   (1) Your name, cycle #, (2) Name the article and author you are summarizing, (3) Summarize the main point of the article, person or program you are interested in from the magazine, (4) What are they fighting for or what is the issue – one sentence PLUS at least two images that illustrate the problem, (5) At least two charts or graphs that show the trend/data dramatizing the gravity and scope of the issue being discussed, (6) Your solution – what should be done to solve/cure or stop the problem or lift up people so as to make the issue go away? Please upload your PowerPoint to SlideShare and then email the instructor the URL to the page where your presentation is parked ( PLEASE DO THIS BY JUNE 2, 2019 AT THE LATEST.
– All presentations will be parked here.
– Please practice your presentation and time it so that it is no more than 5 minutes.
– Closing remarks by the instructor

Gerardo Reyes Chavez