Cycle 42

[Class Resources Page] [Presentations]

This page is for the “Civics 101” class for Cycle 42. We meet Thursdays, 9:30-11:30am at ThoughtWorks in the Aon Center.


Session 1 – August 2

  • Welcome, overview of this class and final assignment (distribution of YES! Magazine issue #74)
  • Introductions – Interns display their “significant object”
  • Themes from group’s shared low wage experiences
  • Summary of interns political profiles – Before class please take the profile survey at
  • Discussion of what, exactly, constitutes “civic engagement” via small group work
  • C42 Political Profile (8 respondents) ->

Session 2 – August 9

Session 3 – August 16

  • What does a leader look like to you? Prepare to share one person (living or past) who inspires you as a leader
  • Introduction to Servant-Leadership model, small group discussion – review web site:

Session 4 – September  6 [skip 2 weeks]

  • Presentation from interns. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation based on a topic, article or person found in YES! Magazine #74. With the following elements:
  •     (1) Your name, cycle #
  •     (2) Summarize the main point of the article, person or program you are interested in from the magazine
  •     (3) What are they fighting for or what is the issue – one sentence PLUS at least two images that illustrate the problem
  •     (4) At least two charts or graphs that show the trend/data or scope of the issue being discussed
  •     (5) Your solution – what should be done to solve/cure or stop the problem or lift up people so as to make the issue go away?
  • Closing remarks

Note: Please upload your presentation to SlideShare (requires a free account) and email link to Tom Tresser ( 24 hours before final class.